Dental and gum health is an extremely important issue during pregnancy, as it is in every moment of our lives. Gum infections called gingivitis, which occur in teeth and gums that are not regularly cared for, can have negative effects on pregnancy. You can take some precautions during your pregnancy to avoid gum problemsthat can lead to unwanted pregnancy problems such as premature birth and miscarriage.
The Importance of Dental and Gum Care During Pregnancy
Bleeding and swollen gums during pregnancy can cause permanent damage to your baby. This is caused by irritants that trigger the gums. In addition, if inflammation of the gums is left untreated, it can increase the risk of premature birth and cause miscarriages. In addition, if the mother does not follow the rule of balanced nutrition for her own dental health, it may affect the dental development of the baby in the womb and cause dental problems in the future.
What to Do to Maintain Dental Health During Pregnancy
First of all, you should visit your dentist regularly before and during your pregnancy and inform your doctor about your pregnancy. Like many things in your body, your dental health is one of the factors that can affect your pregnancy. Regular dental check-ups will make it easier for you to take precautions against problems that may arise during your pregnancy. Apart from this, you can do your routine dental care at any time during your pregnancy. Toothaches can affect the health of the baby and can make your pregnancy period restless and unpleasant. In order to prevent this, your primary goal should be to carry out regular dental care along with routine checks.
In addition, you need to meet your calcium needs adequately to maintain your dental health during pregnancy. By consuming calcium sources, you are protecting your own teeth and gums and providing your baby with the calcium they need to develop healthy teeth. In addition to calcium, your baby will meet phosphorus and other vitamins and minerals from the food you consume, ensuring healthy tooth development.
For dental health during pregnancy, you can meet the calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A-C and D you need by regularly eating milk and dairy products, fish, meat, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits, and you can spend your pregnancy period in a comfortable and healthy way with regular dental care and controls.