The position of the baby in the womb is something that must be known and understood in order to understand normal birth. This is because the baby’s position in the uterus gives information about whether the baby can be born normally. The vast majority of babies are positioned upside down in the womb. The head is the heaviest part of the baby’s body, which is why the head is positioned upside down in the womb under the influence of gravity. This position is the easiest and most suitable for normal labor. 34th day of pregnancy At one week of age, on average 75% of babies are in a head-down position. This is the 40th day of pregnancy on average. reaches an average of 95% in a week. This puts the babies in a position for normal vaginal delivery, ready to be pushed into labor. However, in some cases, babies can also stand in positions other than upside down. In such cases, follow-up visits with a doctor should be increased and, if necessary, the birth should be performed by caesarean section.
Positions of the baby in the womb
1 . Fetal Presentation
The word presentation refers to the part of the baby that is prominent in the uterus, just at the entrance to the birth canal. On average 95% of babies present with the top of their head and this presentation is called vertex presentation. In some cases, however, it is not the baby’s head that is prominent, but the buttocks. This is called breech presentation. There are different types within itself. In a very small percentage of cases, the prominent part may be the baby’s forehead, hand, foot, face or shoulder.
2 . Fetal Posture
Fetal posture is the relationship between the baby’s long axis and the mother’s long axis. Normally, these two axes should be parallel to each other, i.e. the baby’s head should be down and the buttocks up, or vice versa. This is the longitudinal stance. If both axes are perpendicular and not parallel to each other, this is an abnormal situation. That is, the baby is lying on its side in the womb. In this case, Conduplicato Corpore can rarely develop and normal vaginal delivery cannot take place.
3 . Fetal Position
Fetal position determines the relationship between the maternal pelvis and presentation. They are called front or back, right and left. The baby’s entire posture in the womb is a factor that directly affects the course of labor. For this reason, you should have regular check-ups throughout your pregnancy and have your baby’s position in the uterus monitored close to birth to determine your mode of delivery.
Nowadays, there is an external version where the position of the baby can be changed externally, which is no longer practiced because it is risky. Although this method can be successful, it is not preferred today because it can be risky for the mother and baby. The most important disadvantage of the external version is that it can lead to placental abruption (detachment of the placenta). In addition, the method of holding the baby from the foot and turning the baby from the inside (internal version) is among the methods that are not preferred today because it is also risky.