During pregnancy, the female body undergoes many different changes. From physical appearance to mental health, from hormonal balance to behavioral changes, the expectant mother goes through many different processes together. Sleeping too much or experiencing insomnia during pregnancy is also a consequence of these physical and mental changes.
Pregnancy and Sleep
It is quite natural to sleep a lot during pregnancy. In this case it is the effect of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy. In addition to progesterone, the body is tired during the day as it is constantly trying to support the developing baby. The body also needs more rest as it works harder than usual. This is why different sleep problems can occur at different stages of pregnancy. For example, expectant mothers report that they have difficulty falling asleep in the first weeks of pregnancy and that they have a very intense desire to sleep later on. Sleep problems in the first weeks are usually caused by excitement, but as the pregnancy progresses, physical discomfort such as nausea, vomiting and dizziness will increase the desire for sleep.
Sleeping too much during pregnancy
Sleeping too much during pregnancy can sometimes be a way to overcome difficulties. Because with sleep, pregnancy-related complaints also decrease and this situation creates a desire to sleep in the expectant mother without realizing it. But this is not the only cause of sleepiness during pregnancy. Especially in the first six months, the mother’s bloodstream provides all the substances and energy the baby needs during its development. Therefore, if the mother is not getting enough and balanced nutrition, the body starts to show signs of deprivation, leading to fatigue and drowsiness.
6th trimester of pregnancy After the first month of pregnancy, the physical growth of the baby causes the uterus to squeeze the internal organs. This can make it difficult to find the right and appropriate sleeping position. That’s why many expectant mothers are not pregnant until the 6th month of pregnancy. From the first month of pregnancy, he or she faces the opposite problem of insomnia. Therefore, especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy, we recommend sleeping on the left side and a sleeping position in which the abdomen is supported with pillows. In the supine position, the blood flow to the baby may decrease as the mother’s large veins will be compressed. Therefore, sleeping on the left side is very important for the baby’s nutrition
If the expectant mother feels the need for too much sleep, she can keep her mood high and minimize her need for sleep by applying a regular and balanced nutrition program and exercise programs suitable for pregnancy. If the expectant mother is having trouble sleeping, she can stop consuming caffeine-containing beverages and accustom herself to sleep in a comfortable and comfortable bed, especially lying on her left side.
I wish you a relaxed and comfortable pregnancy period without sleep problems.