Urinary tract infections are one of the most common ailments women face. Especially during pregnancy, this rate may increase slightly. These infections, which occur in the form of asymptomatic bacteriuria, bladder infection (cystitis) or kidney infection, can pose a health risk to the expectant mother if no precautions are taken or if intervention is delayed, and can also cause the baby to be affected by the infection.
Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnancy
Physical and hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother during pregnancy generally increase the risk of urinary tract infections. It also causes problems in emptying the bladder easily. This creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth in this area. Given all this, the expectant mother needs to be a little more careful than in normal times.
Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection during Pregnancy
- Frequent urination
- Pain and burning sensation during urination
- Odor in urine
- Persistent urinary sensation
- Blood in the urine
- Nausea
- Groin Pain
Why Are Urinary Tract Infections More Common During Pregnancy?
Pregnant women are at greater risk than non-pregnant women. The occurrence of infection during pregnancy is usually 6. weeks, but is most common between 22 and 24 weeks. for weeks. During pregnancy, 90% of the time the ureters (the urinary tube that carries urine produced in the kidneys to the bladder) are enlarged. The enlargements continue until the birth takes place. There is also relaxation of the smooth muscles in the urinary tract due to the hormones secreted. This leads to a decrease in the urine flow rate. This reduction is called urinary stasis. Urinary tract infections are more common during pregnancy due to urinary stasis, the growing uterus compressing the bladder and other reasons.
The Effects of Urinary Tract Infections on Pregnancy and the Baby
Urinary tract infections during pregnancy can affect the mother’s kidneys if left untreated. Pregnancy can be complicated by urinary tract infection. The most important effect of this for the baby is that it causes premature birth, i.e. prematurity.
Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection during Pregnancy
Expectant mothers who have Urinary Tract Infection during pregnancy can follow a treatment process using antibiotics. Your doctor will manage the process with antibiotics that are safe for you and your baby.
To avoid urinary tract infections during pregnancy, you should pay attention to your toilet hygiene. Keeping the genital area moist creates a favorable environment for bacteria to form, so you should dry your genital area after using the toilet. However, when you feel the urge to urinate, you should go to the toilet and empty your bladder completely. You should increase fluid consumption during pregnancy, drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water during the day and consuming foods containing vitamin C are measures you can take to prevent urinary tract infections. I also recommend that you contact your doctor as soon as you notice symptoms so that early intervention can be taken and the baby can be protected from harm.
We wish you healthy and cystitis-free days…
Sources :
- Kass EH. Pregnancy, pyelonephritis and prematurity. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1970;13:239-54.
- Lucas MJ, Cunningham FG. Urinary infection in pregnancy. Clin Obstet Gynecol 1993;36:855-68.
- Mikhail MS, Anyaegbunam A. Lower urinary tract dysfunction in pregnancy: a review. Obstet Gynecol Surv 1995;50:675-83.
- Patterson TF, Andriole VT. Bacteriuria in pregnancy. Infect Dis Clin North Am 1987;1:807-22.