Today, it is very important for women’s health that all women, regardless of whether they are married or single, go to an obstetrician once a year and have a gynecological examination. Although many women today are concerned about gynecological examinations, examinations should not be interrupted in order to prevent possible diseases and to apply early diagnosis and treatment.
Importance of Gynecological Examination
A gynecological examination is not a painful or painful procedure. In examinations performed by gynecologists, vaginal examination is not performed if the patient is not sexually active. It can be examined by inspection and transrectal ultrasound if necessary. However, gynecological examination and smear collection are important in cervical cancer screening.
How is Gynecological Examination Performed?
Before the examination, the patient’s history including personal information, gynecological condition, current condition, obstetric condition and general health information is listened to. The patient is asked to empty the bladder before the examination. Then, with the help of the nurse or physician’s assistant, the patient is placed on the gynecological examination table. After the patient’s legs are placed on the supports on both sides, the patient is covered from the waist down with a sterile drape. The examinations consist of 3 steps. These include examination of the external genitalia, speculum examination (examination of the cervix and vagina) and bimanual examination (examination with the hand (one or two fingers) inside the vagina).
If the doctor deems it necessary, an ultrasound examination can be performed after the gynecological examination. Today, ultrasound examinations are often performed after gynecological examinations. The ultrasound examination can be performed abdominally or vaginally.
As a result, even if you do not have any discomfort, I recommend that you go to your gynecologist at least once a year and perform your routine checks.
I wish you a healthy day…