Today, many women resort to cosmetic surgery due to complaints caused by sagging of the inner vaginal labia. Labium aesthetics applied in labium minus (inner lip) shape and size complaints, which can cause serious psychological disorders and lack of self-confidence, is a successful type of genital aesthetics that can be applied to every woman without damaging the hymen.
Why is Labium Minus Deformed?
The labium minus, the inner lip, and the parts of the female genitalia are divided into right and left. In some cases, these labium minuses may become asymmetrical and a size difference may occur. In the labium image changes, which generally develop due to the hormones that increase with puberty, there are situations such as sagging of the inner lips, gaining a long and curled appearance.
What is Labium Aesthetics?
Labium aesthetics It is a type of aesthetics related to the small lips at the entrance of the vagina, called labium minus in women. With this aesthetic excessively saggy and large lips are corrected and reduced. In the operation how much of the tissues in the lips will be removed and how much will be left is decided in line with the woman’s genital appearance and vaginal structure.
Importance of Labium Aesthetics
Excessive sagging and/or enlargement of the labia minora not only disrupts the aesthetics of the genital organs, but may also cause functional disorders such as pain and irritation during intercourse. When a person wears tight pants or a bikini, irritations may occur due to friction, as well as asymmetry problems, situations such as lips hanging out can cause serious insecurity and psychological problems in the person. In addition to all these, since the size of the labium causes more secretion than normal, the person may have to use pads even outside the menstrual period, foul-smelling fungal infections and swelling may be observed.
How is Labium Aesthetics Performed?
Labium aesthetics
- Trim labiaplasty performed under general or spinal anesthesia,
- Wedge labiaplasty for large and fleshy labia,
- Laser labiaplasty using a 980 nm diode laser instead of scissors,
- It can be applied in four main techniques, including radiofrequency labiaplasty (RF Labiaplasty), which uses radiofrequency instead of laser for the cutting process.
Aesthetic times vary depending on the patient’s condition. After labium aesthetics, the patient is prohibited from sexual intercourse for a while. The patient can take a bath as soon as he/she goes home after the operation, but is recommended to wear loose clothes for a few days. After 1 week, the patient is advised to return to work and to stay away from waxing, epilation and laser application for at least 4 weeks after the operation.