Fibroids, more commonly known as tumors, are benign masses in the female reproductive system with a very low risk of developing cancer. Today, on average one in four women have fibroids, but three quarters of women with fibroids are unaware that they have fibroids because they do not show any symptoms. Fibroids often cause pain, menstrual irregularities and pain during sexual intercourse.
The vast majority of fibroids do not affect pregnancy positively or negatively. Fibroids, which are more common in expectant mothers experiencing their first pregnancy, are diagnosed during routine gynecological examinations or during an examination for a different reason.
Do Fibroids Prevent Conception?
Fibroids usually do not prevent conception. However, depending on the location and size, fibroids can have a negative impact on conception. Fibroids located in the uterus, which we call submucous, can make it difficult for pregnancy to occur by preventing the pregnancy from settling in the uterus or in fibroids that are localized to block the cervix or tube passages.
Do fibroids grow during pregnancy?
Fibroids often occur in young women of reproductive age. During pregnancy, the uterus grows many times larger than before. Unfortunately, the changing hormonal status during pregnancy can also enlarge fibroids. Rarely, fibroids may shrink during pregnancy. Because of these conditions, it would be the healthiest method for the mother and the baby for an expectant mother with fibroids to have more frequent follow-ups throughout her pregnancy. Fibroids tend to shrink after birth.
Do fibroids harm the baby?
During pregnancy,fibroids are particularly painful and it can be difficult to cope with the pain because painkillers cannot be used easily during pregnancy. In addition to abdominal pain, fibroids during pregnancy can cause complaints such as low back pain, frequent urination, pain during sexual intercourse and constipation. Sometimes a pregnancy can be completed without any symptoms. Its ability to have a negative impact often depends on its location, size and number. However, fibroids are unlikely to harm the baby, although they can cause bleeding and pain. However, it would still be the best and healthiest decision to consult your doctor without wasting time as soon as such symptoms start to appear.
Do Myomas Prevent Me From Giving Birth Normally?
Fibroids usually do not interfere with normal vaginal delivery. This is determined by the size of the fibroid or its proximity to the cervix. Since this type of fibroids can make normal delivery difficult, it may be better to prefer cesarean section. In other cases, fibroids will not prevent delivery and the expectant mother may prefer normal delivery. It would be wiser to proceed here with the approval and guidance of your doctor.
Can fibroids be treated during pregnancy?
Pain caused by fibroids during pregnancy is usually treated symptomatically with bed rest and painkillers. This method usually makes the pain disappear within a few days. Apart from this, no surgical intervention (myomectomy) can be performed for fibroids during pregnancy.
For all these reasons, I recommend you to be examined before pregnancy and if you have fibroids, I recommend you to take precautions accordingly.
Happy and healthy pregnancy…