IVF treatment is a long and laborious process that requires patience for all prospective parents. During this process, the expectant mother and father should change their daily habits, from the clothes they wear to the food they eat, from the medication they take to the sports activities they do.
What are the Chances of Achieving Pregnancy in IVF?
In IVF treatments, factors such as the age of the expectant mother, the quality of the transferred embryo and the health of the uterus are factors that affect the chances of IVF success. At this point, the age of the expectant mother is as important a factor as embryo quality. In women under 30 years of age, IVF success is usually around 55-60%. This rate drops to 15-20% in women over the age of 40.
Factors Affecting Success in IVF Treatment
There are many factors that affect the success rate in IVF. For example, factors such as the IVF technique used by the treatment center and the experience of the staff in IVF affect the success of IVF treatment. In IVF treatment, the prospective mother and father’s attention to the examination and appointment times also affects the success of IVF. Among the factors affecting the treatment are not having sexual intercourse from 3 days before the day of treatment and for 10 days after treatment, avoiding environments that will adversely affect the treatment, and not following a diet during this period. In addition, since hot environments such as Turkish baths and saunas affect both sperm and egg health, such environments should not be entered during the treatment period. Heavy exercise should be discontinued 3 months before starting treatment and heavy exercise should be avoided during the treatment period.
The most important factor affecting success in IVF treatment is the age factor. Since advanced age also affects the chances of IVF treatment, the age of the woman and the resulting low number of eggs is the most important factor affecting success. In addition, stopping smoking and alcohol use, healthy and balanced nutrition, and reducing psychological stress are among the important details that affect the success of IVF treatment.