Normally, a healthy woman’s ovaries are attached to the uterus at one end and free at the other. Blood flow passes through this ligament, but if the ovary rotates around the ligament in any way, there is a decrease in blood flow. In some cases, the current may stop completely. Although this condition, called ovarian torsion, is a rare condition, it is among the conditions that arouse fear and anxiety among women.
Ovarian torsion It usually occurs in ovaries that are enlarged due to a cyst or other cause. Sometimes, although rare, it can also occur in normal-sized ovaries due to the tube and the tissues around the tube. Ovarian torsion, which can also be caused by congenitally excessively long tubes, is often bilateral and usually occurs on the right side.
Symptoms of Ovarian Torsion
Ovarian torsion usually presents with symptoms such as severe and sudden pain in the lower abdomen, contractions, nausea and vomiting. The most common symptom is sudden onset of abdominal pain. The pain is caused by a decrease in blood flow as the ovary rotates around itself. As the reduced flow leads to a decrease in the oxygen supply to the tissues, the intensity of the pain increases as the condition persists.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Ovarian Torsion
Ovarian torsion is detected on examination with complaints of severe pain. However, ultrasound is necessary because the patient’s pain is typical and can indicate many conditions. Ultrasound diagnosis of ovarian torsion an abnormally large and cystic ovary to be diagnosed should be observed. However, ultrasound may show decreased blood flow to the ovary. The definitive diagnosis of ovarian torsion is made by direct observation of the ovary by laparoscopy.
Treatment of ovarian torsion treatment is the reversal of the rotated ovary and tube to its normal position. One of two surgical methods called laparoscopy or laparotomy is used. Painkillers may be given to relieve the patient’s pain until the operation is performed. In cases of early diagnosis, there is no permanent damage after surgery, but if the condition is neglected, progresses and is delayed, necrosis of the ovarian tissue may occur. In this case, the ovary must be completely removed.
Ovarian torsion is a medical emergency, so when a dermoid cyst is diagnosed with the above symptoms, treatment should be started immediately and the cyst should be removed.