On average, between the ages of 9 and 14 is considered the age of menstruation for girls. About a year after puberty symptoms such as height growth, body hair growth and breast enlargement, the first menstruation occurs. However, some girls may experience menstruation under the age of 9 due to hormonal imbalances or other disorders. Menstruation at an early age, called precocious puberty, may develop due to the medications used, or it may be seen as a result of certain disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the doctor without wasting time and make the necessary tests.
Why Does Early Menstruation Occur?
Early menstruation can occur for different reasons. For example, the age of menstruation can vary from race to race. In addition, genetic characteristics are also among the factors that affect the age of menstruation. A girl may menstruate at an early age herself as a result of the early menstruation of her mother or older sister or the mother’s sisters. Another reason for early menstruation is diet. Factors such as increased consumption of protein foods, weight gain due to excessive fat and carbohydrate diets, and eating ready-to-eat foods are among the factors that can affect puberty and menstruation. Again, hormone disrupting substances taken with the foods consumed, environmental factors, the items we use and substances that affect the hormone system can cause girls to menstruate at an early age.
Apart from all these, tumors in the brain, brain abscesses and infections, hormone secreting tumors in the adrenal gland or ovary, ovarian tumors, consanguineous marriages are among the causes of early menstruation.
Can Early Menstruation be Treated?
If girls start menstruating at an early age, this can cause some developmental problems in their bodies. For example, girls with early menstruation may be shorter than their peers because their bone development time is shorter. However, since the pituitary gland is first stimulated by the brain, testosterone and estrogen hormones are secreted earlier than in girls who menstruate at normal times. Since this secretion will cause symptoms such as breast enlargement and rounded body contours earlier than their peers, girls who menstruate early may feel lonely and different. Early menstruation treatment focuses on preventing the girl from stopping early in her growth and supporting her psychology. During the treatment process, menstruation can be stopped with hormonal drugs. Treatment for early menstruation is prescribed by pediatric endocrinologists. It would be healthier to be followed up by endocrinology in such complaints.